Do vaccines cause autism? The CDC claims they don't, but many parents say their child became autistic after vaccines. Click HERE to watch videos, listen to podcasts, and read about vaccines and autism.
Email me if you have questions or to subscribe at: Topics: Uncensored health related issues that are not commonly shared in mainstream media, especially about vaccines. At the bottom of the page, click on "older posts" or click the arrow to the right to see more posts. Aloha, Renee
CLICK HERE for the religious exemption form and source documentation for Schools and Daycare/Preschool. Watch the video below to learn more...
VAXXED The first VAXXED film, about a coverup by the CDC of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Watch the film HERE VAXXED II Wh...
"Go get vaccinated" is what we hear all the time now with Covid-19. You have also probably heard that this vaccine is not a vaccin...